
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Now a days computer is playing a main role in everyday life as it has become the need of people just like t.v., mobile or other electronic devices at home. Some of the major parts of a personal computer or PC include the motherboard, CPU, memory (RAM), hard drive. While personal computers are by far the most common type of computers today, there are several other types of computers.

Characteristics of a Computer

Computer solves the problems very quickly as well as accurately. Apart from the accuracy and speed there are many other characteristics of computer. It can store large amount of date. The important characteristics are described below:

1.          Speed: The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits according to the given instructions. Computer can perform million of billion of operations on the data in one second. The speed of the computer is measured in mega hertz or gega hertz. Different computers have different speed.
2.          Storage: A computer has internal storage (memory) as well as external or secondary storage. In secondary storage, a large amount of data and programs (set of instructions) can be stored for future use.
3.          Calculation/Operations: A computer can perform arithmetical and logical operations. In arithmetic operations, it performs the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on the numeric data. In logical operation it compares the numerical data as well as alphabetical data.
4.          Accuracy:  Computer is accurate in doing the calculations. It gives accurate output result provided that the correct input data is given to the computer. The output is totally depended on the given instructions and input data. If wrong input is given, the result generated with also be incorrect. This concept is called as garbage in garbage out.
5.          Reliability: The electronic components in modern computer have very low failure rate. The modern computer can perform very complicated calculations without creating any problem and produces consistent results.
6.          Versatility: Versatile means flexible. Variety of tasks can be performed on the computer. At one moment you are playing game on computer, the next moment you are composing and sending e-mails etc.
7.          Communications: Today computer is mostly used to exchange messages or data through computer networks all over the world. The information can be received or send through the internet with the help of computer.
8.          Diligence: A computer can continually work for hours without creating any error. It does not get tired while working after hours of work it performs the operations with the same accuracy as well as speed.

Components of a Computers System

basic components:
(a)       Input Device: The input is given to the computer through the input device. The commonly used input devices are:-
(i)        Keyboard: You type with the key board. You also use it to scroll up or down on the screen using arrow buttons.
(ii)      Mouse: A device that allows you to point to things on the screen of the monitor and ‘click’ to move to that location, or ‘open’ things.
(b)      Output Device: These devices are used to show the result of the operation performed by the computer. Commonly used output devices are:
(i)        Monitor : This device which operates like a TV set lets the user see how the computer is responding to their commands.
(ii)      Printer: It is used to get the hardcopy (also called as the printout of the output generated by the computer).
(c)       CPU (Central Processing Unit): This component tells your computer how fast to do things. It basically comprises of three major parts. They are Storage/Memory unit, Control Unit and Arithmeti and Logical Unit.
(d)      Storage/Memory Unit holds information. Different storage devices are:
(i)     Hard disk drives: This is where your files are permanently stored on your computer. The operating system is installed here.
(ii)   CD ROM drive: These are used to store large amount of data. It has a capacity of approx. 650 MB.
(iii) Floppy drive: A floppy is a small disk storage device which has 1.4 Megabytes of capacity. It rarely used now days.
(iv)  DVD Drives: It stores a large amount of data, which is much more than the capacity of a CD.
(v)    Memory Stick/Pen drives: They are smaller in size but can hold good amount of data.

CPU (Central Processing Unit

The central processing unit is responsible for performing all of the mathematical calculations that are required for a computer to function properly. Because a computer cannot function without the CPU, it is not uncommon to hear people refer to the CPU as the ‘brains’ of a computer. A CPU is the brain of the electronic system it controls. The most familiar CPUs also called microprocessors – are found in desktop and laptop personal computers. CPUs are programmable. In other words they can be programmed to execute a range of instructions, to perform arithmetic and logical operations on data, and control input/output of data. This makes CPUs very versatile. They may as we see in the familiar example of PCs run lots of different programs. They may also be programmed to perform the specific functions required in a range of different types of electronic equipment, ranging from consumer electronics for the home to mobile devices to enterprise IT equipment for the data centre.

Companies which make CPU

While there are numerous companies that make CPUs for different purposes, the two best known makers of CPUs for consumer computers are AMD (Advance Mitro Devices) and Intel. AMD’s current line of processors includes Athlon, Phenom, Sempron and Turion processors, while Intel’s current line of processors includes the Celeron, Pentium, Core Duo, Centrino and Centrino 2 processors.


Memory is that area of computer, where all the data and instructions are stored. The memory storage device are of two types basically one is the primary memory which is a must in any computer system and the other is the secondary memory. The primary memory is also known as the temporary memory as it cannot hold the data when there is any a kind of disruption power services. The primary memory is the volatile memory. This means that if the power switched off or there is a power failure then the data in it is all lost. This is the temporary memory. The other one is the secondary memory or the hard disk, floppy disk or the CD discs etc. there are called as the non volatile memories or the permanent storage devices. The RAM is the example of the primary memory or the temporary storage media. RAM considered ‘random access’ because you can access any memory cell directly if you know the row and column that intersect at that cell.


A computer basically works on the principle of IPO i.e. Input-Processing-Output. The IPO’s cycle is how a computer intakes data, processes the data, outputs information, and then saves the information.


The input is first given to the processor by the input devices. The devices which supply the feed or the information to the main machine, i.e. the CPU for the beginning of the IPO cycle is called as an Input Devices. Some of the Input devices are:

(i)                  Keyboard
(ii)                Mouse
(iii)               Scanner
(iv)              Joystick
(v)                Digital Camera
(vi)              Microphone


After the input is received from the Input Devices, it goes to the Processing Unit. The central processing unit is called the CPU, processor or microprocessor. It is also known as the brain of the computer. The CPU is the device that receives various types of input and produces specific outputs. The CPU of the computer has three major parts. They are : Control Unit, Arithmetic and Logic Unit and Memory Unit.

(i)                  The control unit gets the instruction from memory.
(ii)                The control unit decides what the instruction means and directs the necessary data to be moved from the memory to the arithmetic logic unit.
(iii)               The arithmetic logic unit performs the actual operation on the data.
(iv)              The result of the operation is stored in memory.

Control Unit

The various parts of the computer’s CPU are directed by the control unit. The control unit can be described as the manager of the CPU. Its sole purpose is to guide other mechanisms in the system to complete specific tasks. The control unit fetches instructions from memory and decodes them to produce signals which control the other parts of the computer. These signals cause it to transfer data between memory and ALU or to activate peripherals to perform input or output. The CU talks with the ALU and memory.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The arithmetic logic unit is one of the most important parts of the computers CPU. Its comprised of electronic circuits that make it capable of executing arithmetic and logic operations. It works with different registers to store data or hold information about the latest action performed by the logic unit. The ALU has the ability to perform four types of arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction multiplication and division. The ALU also has the means to perform three kinds of logic comparisons: equal-to, less-than and greater-than. The ALu is capable of comparing letters, numbers or special characters.

Memory Unit

Memory Unit is a part of a computer in which information is stored for use by the central processing unit. Computer systems consist of two types of memory, the Main/Primary memory and one or more auxiliary or secondary storage units.

The main memory consists of RAM and ROM. RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It offers a very fast memory access. It is the memory where all your data and software files are written. It is the type of memory that computers use to process programs. This type of memory is called as Volatile memory because when the computer is turned off all the data in RAM is wiped.

ROM which stands for Read Only Memory is memory that has data permanently written on it and is usually not reusable. It is therefore known as non-volatile memory. Auxiliary or Secondary storage devices include hard disks, floppy disks, magnetic tape drives, CD & DVD drives, Pen Drives etc.

Difference between Primary and Secondary Device

RAM is volatile memory having a limited storage capacity. It is a primary memory. Secondary Auxiliary storage is storage which include devices that are connected and controlled by the computer to enable permanent storage of programs and data. Examples of secondary storage divices are hard disk, Pen Drives, CDS.


After the processing is done, the result is finally displayed on the output device. The device which puts the result of the input given by the user after the processing is done is called as output device. It is also a device which communicates the result of data processing. Some of the Output devices are:

(i)                 Monitor
(ii)               Printer
(iii)             Speaker

Unit of Memory

Computer Memory is measured in terms of Bytes, where a Byte is a sequence of adjacent bits. The word bit is short for binary digit. A bit consists of one of two values, usually 0 or 1. A byte usually consists of eight bits. Amounts of computer memory are often expressed in terms of megabytes or giga bytes.

1 Byte                   =             8 Bits
1 Kilo Byte          =             1024 Bytes
1 Mega Byte       =             1024 Kilo Byte
                                =             1024 x 1024 Bytes
1 Giga Byte         =             1024 Mega Bytes
                                =             1024 x 1024 Kilo Bytes
1 Tera Byte         =             1024 Giga Bytes
                                =             1024 x 1024 Mega Bytes

Some of the I/O Devices

Key Board: is one of the primary input devices used with a computer. The keyboards design comes from the original typewriter keyboards, which arranged letters and numbers in a way that prevented the type bars from getting jammed when typing quickly. This keyboard layout known as the QWERTY design, which gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard. A keyboard usually includes alphabetic, numerical and common symbols used in every day transcription. Keyboards for personal computers connected to the machine through serial or USB plugs.

Computer Mouse: is a hand operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of  a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad; “ a mouse takes much more room than a trackball”. There are three main types of Mouse. They are:

1.                   Mechanical: This is a type of computer mouse that has a rubber or metal ball on its underside and it can roll in every direction. There are sensors within the mouse, which are mechanical, detect the direction in which the ball is moving and moves the pointer on the screen in the same direction. A mouse pad should be used under the mouse to run on.
2.                   Optomechanical: This is the same as the mechanical mouse except that it uses optical sensors to the motion of the ball.
3.                   Optical:                This type uses a laser for detecting the mouse’s movement. Optical mice do not have any mechanical moving parts. The optical mouse responds more quickly and presely than the mechanical and optomechanical mice and now those they have been around awhile the price is pretty comparable.
4.                   Cordless Mouse: These are not physically connected to the computer. They rely on infrared or radio waves to communicate with the computer. Cordless are more expensive than both the serial and bus mouse. The nice thing is that there is no cord to constrain or get in your way.


A Printer is a device that converts computer output into printed images. Printers can be divided into two main groups, impact printer and non-impact printer. Impact printer produces text and images when tiny wire pins on print head strike the ink ribbon by physically contacting the paper. Non impact printer produces text and graphics on paper without actually striking the paper. Printers can also be categorized based on the print method or print technology. The most popular ones are inkjet printer, laser printer, dot matrix printer and thermal printer. Among these, only dot matrix printer is impact printer and the others are non impact printers.

Storage Devices: There are a number of secondary storage devices available to store your data for future use. Some of the secondary storage devices are listed below:

Hard Disk: When you save data or install programs on your computer, the information is typically written to your hard disk. The hard disk is a spindle of magnetic disks, called platters, that record and store information. Because the data is stored magnetically, information recorded to the hard disk remains intact after you turn your computer off.

CD ROM and DVD: The CD and the DVD are the commonly used removable storage devices used for the purpose of backup and archiving of the data. The main reason for storing the data over the removable devices is that the data can be easily moved physically from on place to another. The CD ROM devices can contain the multiple media data in addition to the text. However only one type of the data can be accessed from the drives at a time. The CD ROM drive is the device that is used to only read the data from the CD disk. CD RW is the rewritable drive that can perform both the functions of reading the disk well as writing to the disk. The writing of the data is possible ony with help of software that is called as the CD burner software. The CD ROM presently has the capacity of about 700 mega bytes.

Pen/Flash Drive: USB flash drives are often used for the same purposes as floppy disks were. They are smaller, faster, have thousands of times more capacity, and are more durable and reliable due to their lack of moving parts. Storage capacities can range from 64 MB to 256 GB.

Computer Software

Computer software is defined as a set of programs and procedures that are intended to perform some tasks on a computer system. A software program is a set of instructions that are aimed at changing the state of computer hardware. At the lowest level software is in a form of an assembly language, a set of instructions in a machine understandable form. At the highest level, software is in a form of high level languages, which are compiled or interpreted into machine language code. There are three main types of software used: They are system software, application software and Utility software.

System Software: System software is specifically used for the functioning of the computer system. System software is any computer software which manages and controls computer hardware so that application software can perform a task. System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device. Specific kinds of system software include loading programs, operating systems, device drivers, programming tools compilers, assemblers, linkers etc. The operating system is the system software that makes the computer work. An operating system is software that acts as an interface between the user and the hardware. It not only contains drivers used to speak the hardware’s language, but also offers you a very specific graphical user interface to control the computer. An OS can also act as an interface to the other software. Some of the commonly used operating system are Window, Linux or Mac Operating system and the latest Windows 7.

Application Software: Application software is the software that you install onto your Operating System. Application software utilizes the capacities of a computer directly to a dedicated task. Application software is able to manipulate text, numbers and graphics. It consists of the programs that actually let you do things with you computer. These applications are written to run under the various operating systems. These include things like your word processing programs, spread sheets, email clients, web browser, games etc. Without the applications, all you can do is change settings and navigate among the folders. It can be in the form of software focused on a certain single task like word processing, spreadsheet or playing of audio and video files.

Utility Software (Disk/Folder/Files Management, Virus scanner/cleaner/Decryption tools): Utility program is a program that supports the application or development environment in the computer. Utility software typically perform a limited number of tasks. Some of the commonly used utility programs are file management.

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